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Register 93 Seats Remaining
Some yards have “too much” water, while others dry out quickly. We'll explore the benefits of rain gardens and bioswales, how to put them in our yards, and how to best use rain barrels.
Some yards have “too much” water, while others dry out quickly. In this talk we’ll explore why native plant landscapes in the wild don’t need ongoing irrigation — and how features like rain gardens and bioswales can help both wet and dry sites to soak up water, create important habitat for native birds and beneficial insects, and slow down fertility loss — all while beautifying landscapes with privacy, color and edible elements. Learn why rain gardens are so important and how to put one or more in your own yard. Learn how to best utilize rain barrels, too.
Chris Anderson has been gardening since 1994 and practicing Permaculture since 1996. Chris celebrates native plants and their interconnections with people and nature, including the Polyphemus moth caterpillars he raises. While in Northern Arizona, Chris won awards including the Norman B. Herkanham Award for educating citizens about utilizing native plants in landscapes. Chris’s company, Catch the Water LLC, co-creates rain gardens, native plant gardens, and Permaculture gardens with people who enjoy connection and love to learn. Chris also offers celebratory tree / garden planting events for special occasions like birthdays and graduation parties.
As the Conservation Implementation Specialist for Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District, Madison Wisniewski works with residents, local partners, and other Franklin County entities to implement various conservation practices across the county. As a certified Master Rain Gardener, she focuses on assisting residents and communities with installing rain gardens and other stormwater management tools to better improve water quality. Madison graduated from Ohio University in 2018 with a BS in Environmental Geography.
This program is part of Green Bexley's Love Your Alley: the Bexley Habitat Triangle Edition and funded by Village and Wilderness.
AGE GROUP: | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Science Technology Engineering and Math | Life Skills Finance and Health |
Bexley Public Library was founded in 1924 and first housed in Bexley High School, now Montrose Elementary School. The present building opened in 1929 and was designed by architects O.C. Miller and R.R. Reeves who drew upon French and Italian architecture from the 17th century for the design.
The library is located at 2411 East Main Street, at the intersection of East Main Street and Cassady Avenue. Parking is available in our parking lot on Euclaire Avenue and in front of the library on Main Street. Main Street is a No Parking Tow Zone from 4:00-6:00 p.m. weekdays.